最新消息 290
系所簡介 30
教學資源 3
學生專區 8
系友專區 6
聯絡我們 1
english 31
首頁 1
芬蘭赫爾辛基交換申請 2
Here is a brief summary of our application process:
1. Nominate the students you have chosen for an exchange period in Metropolia by email
• Send the names and e-mail addresses of the nominated applicants via e-mail to me (Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)
2. Ask the student to apply through the Mobility-online system
• The link to our online application form is our webpage www.metropolia.fi/exchange until May 1, 2016
• There are three compulsory steps in the application process:
1) Completing the online application form,
2) Registration to the electronic application system, and
3) Uploading attachments: the personal address data, a passport photo, a Transcript of records, and a draft of the Learning Agreement (with signatures from the home institution) and CV
Please ask your students to describe in as much detail as possible what kind of studies or clinical placement (field/duration in weeks/required ECTS etc) they need to complete in Finland.
3. Remind your student to send a separate application for the student housing foundation
We would kindly ask you to have your students apply for housing soon, preferably right after applying for the exchange period here. HOAS accepts housing applications for the autumn semester from April 1 onwards, and the housing offers are sent as per first come first serve principle. Since there is a high demand for student housing in the Helsinki region, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a room for all our incoming at the HOAS student houses. For an overview of the available housing options, please have the student visit our Study Guide at http://opinto-opas.metropolia.fi/en/accommodation-exchange-students . Please note housing is by HOAS is offered only for the whole semester. HOAS housing should not be confirmed, until the exchange place is confirmed.
In order to make the student selections we need all applicants’ data to be stored in the Mobility-online system before the end of application period. We hope that you could encourage your students to apply early. In case you have questions about Mobility-online functions in this application process, please feel free to e-mail our contact person Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它.
2016-2017 Health Care and Nursing_Metropolia UAS - Factsheet